
Local Variables

Local variables behave like in any other language: they are normal lexically scoped variables.

Variables are declared with the let special operator:

(let ((str "Hello, world!"))
  (string-upcase str))

;; => "HELLO, WORLD!"

You can define multiple variables:

(let ((x 1)
      (y 5))
  (+ x y))

;; => 6

To define variables whose initial values depend on previous variables in the same form, use let*:

(let* ((x 1)
       (y (+ x 1)))

;; => 2

Dynamic Variables

Dynamic variables are sort of like global variables, but more useful: they are dynamically scoped. You define them either with defvar or defparameter, the differences being:

  1. defparameter requires an initial value, defvar does not.
  2. defparameter variables are changed when code is reloaded with a new initial value, defvar variables are not.

What does dynamic scoping mean? It means:

(defparameter *string* "I'm global")

(defun print-variable ()
  (print *string*))

(print-variable) ;; Prints "I'm global"

(let ((*string* "I have dynamic extent")) ;; Binds *string* to a new value
  (print-variable)) ;; Prints "I have dynamic extent"
;; The old value is restored

(print-variable) ;; Prints "I'm global"

In other words, when you redefine the value of a dynamic variable using let, the variable is bound to the new value inside the body of the let, and the old value is ‘restored’ afterwards.